back to projectsThe Tinel site is developed in several phases. The city Mechelen started with the renovation of the Predikheren Convent. Next up is the rotation car park, which will have room for 238 cars. The car park is situated underneath de new buildings Maigret, Adjudant and Poirot. The façade on the street side of Adjudant (the former barracks) will be maintained. These three buildings will be developed in a third phase, together with Het Sjampetterke. After that, the new building Baskerville is up. The historical annex Brigadier and a number of new houses named Holmes conclude the realisation of the Tinel site. The completion of the project is due at the end of the summer of 2018. At that moment, the official inauguration of the new city library in the Predikheren convent will take place, together with the new Tinel park.
building site
Edgar Tinellaan, Mechelen
Willemen Real Estate | DMI Vastgoed
Bovenbouw, Architektenkoöperatief
main contractor
Willemen General Contractor, Democo
floor surface
20.817 m²
building time
site start: November 2016
site end: as yet unkown