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Restoration and expansion of the former Sanatorium Joseph Lemaire, designed by Brussels architect Maxime Brunfaut. This building is internationally recognized as cultural heritage.

The purpose of the current restoration and expansion is preserving this valuable building from further decay, meanwhile giving it a new and useful designation, in this case as senior care facility and flats for elderly people.

Since the building has been unoccupied for several years, thorough concrete restoration for the existing building is needed. A number of new elevators and staircases will be built and several structural elements are reinforced to be able to bear the designed loads. The concrete floor slab has several holes to bring ventilation, electricity etc. to all floors. These holes are provided with the necessary reinforcements.

The undergroud car park, which makes a connection with the existing building, and is partially built underneath the exisiting building, is extended.

An extension of 8 levels is built adjacent to the existing east wing. The new façade is built with precast concrete panels. The new concrete panels are designed as load-bearing in two directions concrete slabs with weight-saving elements (AirDeck floors). These are supported by a number of new concrete columns and precast concrete panels, mentioned above.



building site



Vulpia Real Estate



main contractor


floor surface

22.855 m²

building time

site start: early 2013

site end: December 2016