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Establis management team

Establis Group's management team was recently rearranged in response to the creation of a new strategic multi-year plan. In the past 10 years we expanded our activities and action radius and our team grew from 20 to 40 employees.

The new strategic plan focuses on the further expansion of Establis Group. In doing so, we will of course pay attention to the right employee in the right place in our organization. With this new growth phase in mind, CEO Jurgen Vantornout indicated that from now on he would rather concentrate on non-operational tasks such as finance, HR and administration, and become Team Manager.

That is why Frederik Moortgat will be taking over the position of CEO again. The management team further consists of Alexander Wullaert (Business Unit Manager Structural Engineering) and Bart Maerten (Business Unit Manager Industry).

With this realignment, we are guaranteeing the continuity of our activities and are preparing our organisation for the future.